The Weekend Workshop is where you get to work on your own project

Once you have booked we forward an email, detailing what you need to bring. We have also found it handy when people photograph their chair/furniture and send this via email. You can ask questions about your project so you can be well prepared for your workshop, knowing the quantity of fabric, if you need any re-springing, webbing and any other materials required for the project. This way you make the most of your weekend.

Depending on your project size, you will always leave the workshop knowing how to complete your piece of furniture if you haven't had time on the weekend.

Workshops are held at our home  (full details forwarded to you prior to workshop).
It is a great weekend sharing time and ideas with like-minded people. If you would like to make a booking please email and Nigel will forward all the information. Always include your contact details as handy to have.

Book early so you don't miss your spot!

COST: $140.00

WHEN: 22nd & 23rd February 2025

WHERE: Details to come

BOOKINGS: Nigel Cook - Please Email;

Written by Fabric House

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